Monday, July 15, 2013

UNOW 2013 - A Special Message and Invitation from Zenzo Matoga

Dear Brother and Sister;

We are seeing a move of God in New England in these last years through Songs and Music; Songs of Healing and a new Music of Hope - UNOW - United Night of Worship. 

My prayer goes with this invitation that God may want to speak to your heart to bring you in this Kairos of Heaven touching the Earth right here before our eyes. Have you not prayed for it in these last years?

I said to Zenzo almost 7 years ago having lunch with him, when UNOW was just a powerful idea in his mind, that God was inaugurating a Move that would not only touch our New England but the whole nation. 

I was wrong. It is coming to touch many nations around the world. I call it then a largest ongoing rehearsal of people from every nation, every tribe and every tongue singing the New Song of the Lamb, celebrating the Lion of Judah, yes, our Lord and King sited upon the Throne.

Please, read this letter from Zenzo with eyes to see and ears to hear. I hope you will not miss our time of visitation,

Dear servants of the most high God!


UNOW 2013 is around the corner. The theme of the night of worship this year is, "A Night of Healing and Hope." 

After the bombings at the Boston Marathon and the Sandy Hook Elementary Massacre, the people of our region are filled with fear and hopelessness. 

As tragic as these events were, I believe its a set up for the church of Jesus Christ to rise up and present the only true hope to the world, Jesus Christ. 

We are expecting masses of people on September 28, 2013 as we gather for UNOW 2013. 

The need for the each of you, as One Church, to come together in unity at such a time as this is even greater.

We will flood our city with fliers and reach the lost. We are expecting the largest salvation alter call to date. We will also have as special guests, families that were impacted by the Sandy Hook massacre and the Boston Marathon bombings. We have also called on the police of our city, fire fighters, doctors and nurses, and government officials to participate in this night as we release healing and hope over our region. This is our time! This is our season!

My team and I would be honored to have you serve on the UNOW Leadership Committee this year. This is a unity event for our region and your voice and input to this undertaking is beyond valuable. 

What are The Duties of this Committee:
  • Help mobilize every county for UNOW 2013: reaching out to pastors and spreading the word in your county, city and sphere of influence
  • Help facilitate the evangelism campaign that will happen on the day of the event (follow up strategies etc)/We are partnering with YWAM
  • Help mobilize region wide prayer forces leading to this event (We are also partnering with 10 Days Boston led by Jonathan Friz)
  • Help raise finances (Optional)
  • Help facilitate the compassion campaign that happens on the day of event. 
Note: Each member will choose an area of focus in the tasks listed above. We will have very 3 meetings only and the rest of the work will be done via emails. We are flexible and you don't have to make every meeting.

Meeting Dates:

  1. Wednesday, July 24th, 11am-1pm, location coming soon
  2. Wednesday, August 7th, 11am-1pm,  location coming soon
  3. Wednesday, September 4th, 11am-1pm,  location coming soon 
Thank you in advance for your willingness to serve the lord Jesus Christ in unity in this greatest hour in the history of the church in New England! Please send me a response as soon as you can.


Zenzo Matoga
United Night of Worship

WATCH this powerful video: 

اللذي يحب يعرف الله لان الله هؤ اللحب 
He who loves knows God, because God is Love! Aquele que ama conhece a Deus, porque Deus é Amor
El que ama conoce a Dios, porque Dios es amor!
מי שאוהב את אלוהים יודע אלוהים, כי אלוהים הוא אהבה

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